Monday, September 5, 2011

The Terrible Twos!

Today was a day when I watched in horror as my sweet two year old morphed into a tantrum throwing, mummy eating monster! And oh my god was it scary! The terrible twos have descended on us unsuspecting, innocent parents.

We've survived a day of countless tantrums, a split lower lip, three bumps on the head and god alone knows how many bruises! I, on the other hand, am somehow holding on to my poor little heart, which has suffered innumerable minor strokes and shocks. I need a drink! No, hang on, I need a bloody barrel full of the stuff!

Neel is finally asleep. You have no idea the amount of relief that goes into saying that! I can sink into bed and breathe....finally!

How long will this last? I asked a wise mother in the park the other day. Oh not long, was the reply. Just till he's about six years old. I smiled while I screamed in my head. Are you frigging crazy? I'm going to be crippled and ready for an asylum by then. Sheesh.....

We have our good days too. Those days are far and few but are a reminder that it really is worth it. The best thing about my two year old is that he is stinking cute! I really can't ever be angry with him for more than 5 seconds, even when I catch him using his toothbrush as a loo brush. Heck, it's part and parcel of being a toddler and how else will he learn that not all brushes are used for cleaning the toilet?

The good thing is that my little one is full of spunk. He tests every boundary, every limit and that's what I love about him. He makes me step out of my comfort zone constantly. He's what makes me tick!

It might sound like my child is out of control but it's with very bump that he'll grow and with every tantrum that he'll learn.

Bring it all on again tomorrow!

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